Thursday, December 14, 2006

Closing in on one year

It's a real shocker to think that I'm pretty much the mother of a toddler already. Now a whole lot that's still babyish about this baby, other than perhaps her inability to talk. She walks like a pro (although is still unclear on the concept of looking where she's going), dances to anything that vaguely resembles music (my cell phone's ring, me making senseless "do-do-dee-doo" ditties), and is frighteningly fast at mimicking anything we do. For example, she and Dan were playing with a ball the other day, and when he hit it with his hand, she'd hit it back with her hand, and when he hit it with his foot, she'd hit it with her foot, even if she had to grab it from somewhere else and put it on front of her foot to do it.

And the other day, Dan was trying to dress her while she stood up, and when he said, "Lift your foot" so he could put on her pants--she did! And she did it again for the other foot, too! So stinkin' cute. And handy.

If only we could tell her, "Lie down and rest" and have her do it. I'm praying for that day.

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