Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Official One Year Checkup

Abby went in for her one year doctor appointment today. The best line of the visit: "She's very verbal for her age." Tell me about it.

She's in the 85th percentile for her length, which is 30.25 inches. Her weight was a little less than what we had it pegged at: 19 pounds, 12 ounces, which puts her in the thirtieth percentile! Talk about lean!

The worst part of the visit, of course, was the shot, her third in the Hib series. (One more left, hallelujah!) But she was already screaming because we were making her lie down, so the shot might not have been that bad, honestly--she was probably more annoyed than anything else. Within two minutes she was chatting away again. Oh, and we can see her top teeth coming in! Finally!

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