Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Today marks week seven--33 to go!--and I gained LESS than a pound this past week! Woohoo!! That makes it a total of about 3 pounds. So far so good. The hunger thing is actually sort of coming and going--the last couple days I've gone quite a while without being horribly hungry--though when it finally hits it REALLY hits hard. And there are still times when I've eaten SO MUCH and I'm still hungry. Very frustrating. But I'm still able to eat protein, for the most part--it's getting harder, but I'm doing it! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Say "Cheese"!

Today we got to go in for an ultrasound! The tech said everything looks great. we even got to see the heart beating--can you believe there's a beating heart at SIX WEEKS?! And some people say it's not life--WHATever.

Anyway, here is Baby Morrow's first picture:

Now, I know you probably won't believe me, but I swear it's true. Dan had Abby on his lap in the ultrasound room, and as the tech began the scan Abby pointed to the screen--which had that blobby image on it that looks like nothing whatsoever--and said, "Baby." Oh, and the other day she pointed to my stomach and, thought she usually says "baby" because we've been telling her there's a baby in my tummy, this time she said, "Girl." So, Abby the prophetess has spoken.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Had my first bout of morning sickness this morning. I started out fine, had breakfast and everything, and then while Abby and I were outside playing I started feeling nauseated. I think if I'd run back in and eaten something it might have helped, but I left it too long and then I was just miserable for the next hour and a half. :( I did manage to choke down one of my protein shakes from my nutritionist, and I think that definitely stopped it from getting any worse, but it didn't exactly make it feel any better.

The hunger thing is just as powerful as it was with Abby. I'm just hungry hungry hungry all the time. But I don't think I'm eating enough at each meal either. Abby throws a total tantrum if I spent more than ten minutes cooking and eating, and with the short fuse I have right now thanks to my raging hormones I'd rather give her my attention and thus shut her up than listen to the screaming. I just can't take it right now. I hope that goes away; I don't like feeling so short with her. What I wouldn't give for a personal chef.

I'd post more, but I have to go eat. Surprise surprise. Oh, forgot to post this yesterday, but my weight at 5 weeks is 132.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And so it begins

Today I am officially five weeks pregnant. March seems sooooo far away, but when I think of it in terms of weeks and realize I only have 35 left, it suddenly seems far too soon!

Abby has taken to using my stomach as a drum. I don't know why she started doing this now but for some reason she has, and she does it a LOT. And thinks it's hilarious. At least Peppercorn doesn't have ears. Or anything else at this point, for that matter.

Peppercorn, you ask? Yes, I've nicknamed Baby #2 Peppercorn, not for any significant reason other than it came up as a joke when Dan and I were thinking up names. And I get so tired of saying, "the baby" all the time. It's bad enough that I refer to it as "it" but I have to admit that I'll get attached to whatever sex I use, so for my own sanity "it" is a necessity.

I'm feeling really good so far, long may it last. I am hungry pretty much all day, just like before, but the protein aversion hasn't started yet so I'm loading up on meat while I still can. Speaking of which, my stomach calls....