Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And so it begins

Today I am officially five weeks pregnant. March seems sooooo far away, but when I think of it in terms of weeks and realize I only have 35 left, it suddenly seems far too soon!

Abby has taken to using my stomach as a drum. I don't know why she started doing this now but for some reason she has, and she does it a LOT. And thinks it's hilarious. At least Peppercorn doesn't have ears. Or anything else at this point, for that matter.

Peppercorn, you ask? Yes, I've nicknamed Baby #2 Peppercorn, not for any significant reason other than it came up as a joke when Dan and I were thinking up names. And I get so tired of saying, "the baby" all the time. It's bad enough that I refer to it as "it" but I have to admit that I'll get attached to whatever sex I use, so for my own sanity "it" is a necessity.

I'm feeling really good so far, long may it last. I am hungry pretty much all day, just like before, but the protein aversion hasn't started yet so I'm loading up on meat while I still can. Speaking of which, my stomach calls....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. I haven't popped in on your blg for awhile and I am so excited! What a great gift for bib sis!
