Thursday, January 18, 2007

The news in Abbyland

She's been babbling forever, but her new word (repeated at least ten times in a row) is her own name, with the 'b' sounding more like a 'p': "Appy. Appy. Appy." She can also shake her head (usually resulting in the shaking of her whole upper body and executed with a huge, slightly evil-looking grin) and uses the sign for "more" when eating. And speaking of eating, she's pretty much off baby food, which figures since I just stocked up and have, like, 20 jars in the pantry. She still takes some at breakfast, but the rest of the day it's bits of chicken or egg, cucumber or carrot, a myriad of fruits, and the occasional funky vegetable (like this morning, when she had green peppers).

And the best new development is that she's finally useful! I gave it a shot yesterday with, "Abby, take this (a napkin) to Daddy!" (Said with much excitement, like this is the most thrilling thing she's ever had the opportunity to do.) With a big smile she did exactly that. Vacuuming and laundry are just around the corner. ;)

Her vocabulary of words she understands is really getting impressive. You can ask her where her paci or shoe is, to come or to go to a certain place, to brush her teeth (just tried that one out yesterday), to lift her foot (for putting on her pants in the morning)--all sorts of stuff. It's incredible how much that little mind comprehends.


Unknown said...

That's awesome!! It's SO fun when they start communicating/understanding with you. It makes it all worthwhile... not that it wasn't before! And I'm glad you are grasping the potential for cheap labor. ;) :)

Hey, how may teeth does she have now?

Kelli said...

go green pepper! that's awesome!