Saturday, June 11, 2005

140 bpm and still going strong!

Had my first big OB appointment Thursday, and we got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler! It was incredible--whoosh-whoosh-whoosh, just like in the movies. The doctor got a big grin on her face and said, "Oh, that sounds good! Nice and strong!" Which of course made me feel MUCH better. And even more connected to the little alien in there than when we saw the ultrasound.

Today I am 12 weeks--three months into my pregnancy. 28 more weeks until the end, give or take. That seems like SO LONG. I swear _everything_else_ in my life goes fast but this. I guess becacuse there isn't anything else in my life that I measure by the week.

Dan's brother was here with his family for the last few days. Their son, Simon, is almost 2 and a half, and just hilarious. So many words in his vocabulary now, yet he'll babble and babble and only two or three words will actually make sense. But he looks like he's really trying to make conversation; it's so cute! But what was _really_ cute was watching Dan play with him. Simon LOVES his "Deeter," which is what he calls Dan. (I am Lallie, usually said two or three times in a row for some reason.) Anyway, Dan is like a giant toy for Simon. He wrestles with him, crawls around with him, puts him on his shoulders, tosses him onto the couch or the bed...adorable. I can't wait to see him with our kids.


Bigger than Me said...

Alison, that is way cool. You know, during my last pregnancy, I was a bit obsessed with hearing Isaiah's heartbeat, and I found a website (there are a bunch of them now!) that you can rent a doppler by the month for your own use at home, for somwhere around $25 a month. I used it daily for my whole second trimester, until the point where a regular old stethoscope would do the trick! It was really cool, but honestly, by the second week, my husband was bored to death of being made to sit there every day to hear it!

Anonymous said...

Wheeeeee! This makes me so haappy. Go Alison, go baby, go God!

Congrats, and good health.

Unknown said...

Yay, fun, more blogs!
Don't worry, the middle part will speed up (perhaps exponentially, as it did for me!). And then when you're ON your due date and not crowning yet, it slows down again. LOL.