Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Baby 101

Last night was the new baby care class at the hospital. Ah, such fun--where else can you get a full-color Poop Chart? Actually, it really was interesting, albeit obscenely basic at times, although I guess it's possible that there are people who have never once in their lives diapered a baby before. (I hate to break it to them: it's a LOT more difficult do to with a squirmy baby than it is with a doll.) Probaby the most interesting part of the evening was the segment we got to watch from "Happiest Baby on the Block." The pediatrician who made the video (and wrote the book with the same title) talks about the first three months of life being like a fourth trimester, and explains that babies are most comforted when we recreate as best we can the environment the baby was in before birth. So, for example, swaddling, which most people do anyway, is important because it makes the baby all squished up like it was in the womb. Sidelaying is another trick: instead of laying them on their back, holding them in your arms so their back is against you and they're on their side makes them feel less vulnerable. Shushing in a continuous stream of noise right at their ear mimics the sound of blood rushing through the arteries next to the womb. Gently jiggling them mimics the sensation they experienced when their mother was walking and active.

It was incredible to watch the video of the doctor picking up a screaming baby and utilizing these tricks one after the other until the baby suddenly stopped crying, like a switch had been thrown. Their little bodies would relax and their eyes open up and one of the babies actually smiled.

So, do I feel prepared to handle my baby? Heck no! But at least I have some great charts and diagrams and info packets to flip through when I'm clueless. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL, I remember thinking the baby-care class was the most useless one we took. They gave us a CLOTH diaper (I mean, really) and a doll that looked like a 10-month-old. It was exceedingly silly. Yours does sound a lot better.

Oh! And honestly, neither one of us had ever changed a diaper before Lucy -- but it's certainly not brain surgery. :)