I'm appalled at my lack of blogging lately; please forgive me. Some updates:
-Her new nickname: velocaraptor baby. She's got this new screech that is truly ear-splitting. I'm pretty sure only dogs hear her at some point.
-Roly-poly: She's got the back-to-tummy rolling thing down pretty well--in fact, she did it on command at mom and dad's place the other night. Usually gets annoyed once she's flipped; however, yesterday she actually hung out on her tummy and played for awhile. Yay!
-Teething? I think so. She nearly bruised my finger chewing on it last night, and when I gave her a frozen washcloth she really went to town on it. In fact, lat night was probably the worst night she's had so far in her short little life. Just screaming and so very unhappy. Broke our hearts. :( We keep slapping on the Baby Orajel but she doesn't seem to like it--I'm not sure if it's the numbness she hates or the feeling of us rubbing our fingers on her sore gums. We finally gave her baby Tylenol and that took care of things. What's weird, though, is that it seems to come and go--she was fine the rest of the night, slept like an angel, and is perfectly happy this morning. I thought teething made them unhappy all the time. Guess I have some research to do.
-Solids! We gave her rice cereal for the first time last week and she gobbled it up. I put some in a bottle for her before bed, hoping it'll make her sleep longer, but so far it hasn't made a difference. Not sure if I'm not giving her enough or if the whole solids = sleeping thing is a myth--I read something to that effect in one of my many parenting magazines.
-Sitting up on her own! Well, she can't get into the sitting position on her own, but if we sit her up she will stay that way for a good long time. we surround her with pillows for the occasional fall, but really she does quite well.
So that's Abby in a nutshell. Nearly 5 months old; I just can't believe it. One more month and we can put sunscreen on her, and then it's off to the pool we'll go! Oh, te photos we'll take...