Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here they come...

Well, yesterday was interesting, if by interesting one means hellish. After starting the day out fine, albeit with an awful lot of demand for eating (7:15, 8:45, 9:30). We got home a little before 10 from our walk, and she starts fussing like she wants to eat AGAIN. Well, I'd decided to start pumping during the day since she eats so much better from a bottle, so I made a bottle for her, and the minute it it touched her mouth, she started crying. Then she started screaming. i'd never seen her cry that violently; she was choking she was crying so hard. I tried the tummy drops, even though she didn't seem gassy, then I tried the Orajel. She screamed even harder (didn't think that was possible), but then two minutes later she stopped crying and pretty much collapsed into sleep in my arms. She slept for 45 minutes, then woke up an absolute angel, smiling and talking and laughing at everything. Total Jekyll & Hyde. Then she started fussing to eat (so I thought) again, and same thing happened: made a bottle, tried to feed her, starts screaming. This time for forty minutes. It was awful; she looked like she was in so much pain. Tried the Orajel again and that didn't work; gave her a frozen washcloth and that DID work for a little while, but then, for some reason, it stopped working, and she was back to screaming again. Cried herself to sleep, and was still even crying in her sleep a little bit--just broke my heart. Only slept for about an hour, but when she woke up, she was Angel Baby again. This time I gave her two teething tablets that everyone around here swears by, and then a dose of Tylenol (which I keep forgetting about; when I remembered we had it I felt horrible for not giving it to her sooner and making her suffer), and she was wonderful for the rest of the day. Didn't eat again until 3:00, oddly--5.5 hours of no food doesn't usually fly for her. I gave her another dose of everything at 9:30 before we went to bed and we didn't have any problems, and now I'm just crossing my fingers for today.

So I guess this means we're officially teething.

I was really freaked out for a while there, since everyone always says they get "fussy" when they're teething. This was light years and nine galaxies away from "fussy." And how many teeth do they get? I can't imagine her having to go through that for all of them! Someone please tell me certain teeth hurt more than others!

In unrelated news, Dan had her in her swing last night while I tutored, and the swing has a litle fish mobile that spins above it, and he started hitting the fish with his head as they came by and saying, "Bonk!" Abby laughed harder than we've ever seen her laugh. Isn't it silly the things that they find outrageously funny?

Coming soon: photos of Abby's first bath in a bathtub (with a not-to-be-missed unhappy Abby picture) and her first Jacuzzi experiece!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, yes. Some teeth do hurt worse than others. Sounds like Abby's cracking some molars!

I know there was a time when Lu got, like, eight teeth in six days, or something equally ridiculous. That was a rough six days.

P.S. Baby Tylenol is like liquid gold. Only less expensive. Choirs of angels sing its praises.