Friday, September 22, 2006

Really Overdue Update

I HAVE NO TIME TO BLOG. It's driving me crazy, too. Anyway, here's the skinny on what The Kid's up to these days:

Oh heavens, all sorts of noises! All the usual ba-ba, ma-ma (actually more like "mom-mom"), da-da (which I swear she knows means Dan), plus some general vowel-soup vocalizations and the occasional staccato "Huzzah!" She's also started sticking her tongue out and doing the "pbpbpbpth." (Or however it is you spell that noise.) Oh, and I swear she said, "Hey dad!" this morning. Dan heard it too, it's not just proud mama's imagination.

Cruising along the furniture in this cute, tip-toe crossover step. She is so good at standing, too! She'll plant herself and stay there for a minute or more, and even crouch down to grab stuff off the floor and stand back up without even a wobble. She crawls quickly now, too. She has this thing with knocking stuff over; if you stack up her fuzzy blocks she'll crawl from wherever she is in the room justto smack them down. Over. And over. And over. She does not tire of this game at all. She's also one-finger exploring: she'll scratch her pointer finger over the carpet, or a stuffed animal, or a book, or the new rubber alphabet floor we put down in the living room, or Dan's belly button, over and over and over, while bent over the thing and concentrating very hard. So adorable. She smacks her hand on stuff, too, a bunch of times in a row, sometimes accompanied by a hearty "Ah! Ah! Ah!" Give her a gavel and she'd made a great judge. The carseat is no longer a fun place for her; she starts crying pretty quickly after we put her in it, but if we turn on her beloved Praise Baby DVD the crying ceases immediately and she gets a look of joy and wonder on her little face, like, "Where is that magical music coming from!?"

She's nearly 9 months. I'm stunned.

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