Tuesday, February 12, 2008

35 weeks!

Unbelievable--in one week I will be technically full term! Woohoo!!!

Today I had a midwife appointment. I love Michelle, I really do. She's such a sweet person. And I really loved her today because she assured me that the baby has flipped out of breech and is officially head down and in the "optimal fetal position"! What a huge relief. Though now I'm stressing about keeping the baby that way, since it has yet to descend into the pelvis and could thus flip right around again if its little heart desired. I've been having some very serious talks with it the last couple weeks, so it knows how important it is to stay put, but you know how kids are. Any suggestions for encouraging descent are welcome!

My next appointment with Michelle will actually take place here at the house during the home visit. By then I have to have all my birth stuff purchased and organized. I have most of it, but there are still some random things that we have around the house (receiving blankets, socks for both baby and me, etc.) that need to be rounded up. Once I get everything laid out nicely I'll take a picture so you can see how little is really needed for a home birth!

The one lousy part of my appointment today was weighing myself and discovering I'd gained FIVE POUNDS since my last appointment two weeks ago. Egads. I kept sliding that stupid little weight over the bar thinking, "No, it's not possible, I can't have gained this much." But apparently I did. So that sucks. And it's not like I've been eating like a madwoman or doing nothing but carbs--though I guess maybe I've been a little carb heavy, but not THAT carb heavy! This is the same rate at which I gained weight with Abby. I'm basically at 40 pounds gained right now; I was hoping that would be it for the whole pregnancy. *pout*

My nesting urges have been slowly kicking in, meaning I actually notice when the house is a mess now. SO MUCH HAS TO BE DONE! Everywhere I turn there's another mess, and it's driving me batty. I really need to clean out Abby's closet so we have a place for all the new baby's clothes. I really need to get my office straightened out since that will probably be a sort of "staging" area for birth supplies and such. I really need to get the last wall of the bedroom painted and all the extra furniture moved out so we have room for me and Dan and the doula and Michelle and her assistant(s?). Plus the whole house needs to be picked up so we can get a cleaning service in and a carpet cleaning service in. Can you say 'overwhelmed'?


Enjoy Birth said...

That is so exciting! You can still listen to the Turn the Breech Baby Now CD to help encourage the baby to stay head down. Walking, walking, walking can encourage baby to descend.

Don't worry about your weight! If you are eating healthy, it is all good. The baby is growing and growing! :)

Melanie L said...

Yay for you almost having another beautiful baby! We haven't forgotten about you (even though your book is years away!) and Don and I are keeping you and family in our prayers.
Go with God...
Mel Larson

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update!! I'm the wrong one to ask about descending babies -- seems like they only do it when they're good and stinkin' ready.
And I know it's hard, but remember that the new baby will just be as warm and well-fed and well-loved and well-sung-to if that wall never gets painted. ;) Hang in there, just take it one small thing at a time! You're doing great!