Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Day of Bodily Fluids

Her butt's a cannon!
Projectile poop even more
messy in the dark.

There are some events that just beg for their own haiku. This was one of them. I was changing her diaper on the bed, in the mostly-dark of 3AM, when she decided to, shall we say, "Let it go". Thing is, I had her legs in the air so I could slide the new diaper under her, so her butt was aimed quite perfectly at my chest, and wow, did she get some power behind that poop! And cleaning up in the dark was even more fun--all sorts of little 'presents' to be found...on my shorts...on my arm...on the bed...somewhere else on the bed...

But that was just the beginning a few hours later she had another Mt. Vesuvius-like reflux explosion that soaked the outfit I was all excited to wear that day, about five minutes before we were to leave for our AP moms playgroup. And that night, after putting her in the last pair of pajamas I had for her, she erupted yet again.

Both ends of her are quite powerful, I tell you what.


Unknown said...

That's my little granddaughter! She's good at everything -- especially unexpected eruptions! Dad

Enjoy Birth said...

That is a great haiku. Sorry for the mess!