Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bellybutton, be healed!

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has been praying for Penny J's beebo. We went to the doctor on Friday and she said it looks like it's closed up! There's a small scab still there, so we need to be careful of that, but other than that it looks like all is well. Took three weeks and three different treatments (plus a TON of prayer), but we're out of the woods. Huzzah!

We had our last check-up with Michelle last week. I was so sad when I realized I wouldn't be seeing her again until the next baby. We weighed PJ and she was 12 lbs, 1 oz. WOW. That explains why some of her 3 month outfits are starting to seem a bit snug. I got pics of PJ with Michelle:

and Karly:

for her scrapbook, which I REALLY need to get going on. Anyway, if anyone out there is considering a homebirth in the SoCal area, I urge you to check out Michelle. She's just amazing. I'm so blessed to have found her.

She's still sleeping about 6 hours at night, hallelujah, though last week she had three nights in a row of only 3 or 4 hours at a stretch, and I'm thinking that must have been a growth spurt. That was still way better than Abby ever slept, but I'm very thankful she's back to 6 hours. And yesterday she slept for an hour and a half in the crib while I cleaned and had lunch. Dan had taken Abby out for some daddy-daughter time, so I had the place to myself. It was heaven. I got so much done! And I was excited that she slept in the crib. My goal for this week is to get her down to a routine with her morning nap. I've been just letting it happen whenever and wherever, but I'm seeing a pattern, so I think I'm going to start taking her upstairs around the 2.5 or 3 hour mark in the morning and putting her in the crib for naptime. We'll see what happens...

The last bit of news is that I'm pretty sure she has some kind of food allergy. I suspect it's dairy, but only because I'm sensitive to dairy too. If it's not that I'm almost certain it will be wheat, given the issues my mom has with it. So, starting tomorrow, I'm going dairy free. Pray for me. Next to bread products, dairy products are my absolute favorite. I just bought a brand new brick of cheddar, too. Drat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweetheart Penny is! We're so glad her beebo is okay-o! Dad