Sunday, April 20, 2008

There's a hole in my baby!

(dear Liza, dear Liza)

So, yeah, that's sort of weird. Her belly button kept getting crusty, so I took her to the ped this past week and she had a look and said, "Ah, yes, there's a hole." Apparently things didn't completely heal up when her cord fell of. *ew* She was optimistic that it would heal up since it was so small and barely leaking anything as compared to most kids; apparently when that happens their shirts often end up with a huge wet spot. That's definitely not happening here, thank heavens. But she said that if it doesn't heal on its own it'll need surgery. :( She said to treat with alcohol but Michelle said to treat with the Cord Care "dust" that we used on the umbilical cord. She also said that research keeps showing that alcohol impedes the healing process. Grr. I never know who to believe! I have to admit, though, I am less likely to believe the standard medical doctor these days. So we're going with the Cord Care dust. Though we've been "dusting" it since Tuesday and it doesn't seem any better, so I'm calling her tomorrow to see how long it might take. Please God, don't let it need surgery!!!

Already showing off her personality...


Unknown said...

FWIW, our regular doctors with both kids said never to use alcohol on a brand-new belly button. But our kids bee-bos were un-holey, so I'm not sure if the same info applies. Like, maybe you *want* to dry out a holey bee-bo, so that's why the doc said to use alcohol?

Enjoy Birth said...

She is SO cute! It looks like she is smiling! :) Sorry about the hole, I hope it closes soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alison!
Congratulations on little PJ. I love the name Penelope, and that picture is hilarious!
And I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies, but alcohol on an open wound sure sounds painful to me! Yow.
(This is Meg's sister, by the way.)

Unknown said...

P.S. Jean is an RN so when she offers medical advice, we usually listen. Patiently. And then do the opposite. (Nyuk nyuk!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Love,

Maybe some Neosporin to prevent infection? Oh, I bet this is just the beginning of a lifetime of unsolicited medical advice! :)

