Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Packing on the...ounces

Penny and I had our 2 week appointment with Michelle today. Penny was 9 pounds and 2 ounces! she was just 8 pounds 9 ounces less than a week ago--she really piled it on in the last 5 days! She looks so much more filled out. But even so, she doesn't look as big as Abby did at birth, and Abby was only one ounce less than Penny is now. Strange.

I checked out okay, although unfortunately some of my stitches tore right through the skin and were no longer holding anything together. Thankfully they were just "cosmetic" stitches and not fixing anything really important, so it's not a big deal. I'm so surprised I didn't know it had happened; certainly sounds like it would be awfully painful!

I've been feeling some serious mommy guilt the last couple of days. I think I had taken about 200 pictures of Abby by the time she was 2 weeks old. I've taken...maybe 20 of PJ. We have a bunch of her and Abby that I need to go through from Easter, but I swear I had the camera next to me at all times when Abby was a baby, and now I don't even know where the camera is! I haven't started Penny's baby book (though I did finally buy one), I haven't gotten a scrapbook for her yet, I haven't started writing in the journal I'll keep to give to her when she grows up...it's terrible. I always told myself I wouldn't be like this, and yet here I am. Not good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohh, try not to feel too guilty. I can't imagine there's a mom-of-two anywhere (especially with 2 under three!) who feels like there is equal hoopla with the arrival of the second kid. I've come to terms with the fact that Ed's not getting as detailed a scrapbook as Lucy. He'll be lucky to get a giant printout of my blog, honestly. Think of all the time you would miss with your two little ones, if you spent all your time taking all those extra photos! :)