Friday, March 28, 2008

One week down, a lifetime to go

Penny-J had her one week doctor visit yesterday. She's up to 8 pounds and 9 ounces--not bad for a kid with a lousy nursing latch who's supposedly eating in the most inefficient way possible. I've given up trying to fix it, though--the pain's not that bad anymore, and she's obviously not suffering. I have enough in my life to stress over; why add to it?

The best part, though, I gotta say, is that the child sleeps. She nursed at 11 last night and then not again until 3:30, and after that it was 7 a.m.! Unbelievable! After Abby's nighttime nursing marathons, this is a very welcome change. I actually prayed while I was pregnant that this baby would be a good sleeper--God is good! She doesn't "shut down" at night until 11ish, though--or at least that's been the pattern until tongith; right now, though, she's pretty out. Good thing, too, because I'm half asleep and desperate for bed.


Kelli said...

too cute!! Can't wait to meet her!!

Unknown said...

A Life Time to go???! Believe me, it will pass SO fast! Write everything down. Don't miss a thing. Otherwise, you'll wonder which child it was that said... "Does I'm have to go to bed now?"

Anonymous said...


You look SO BEAUTIFUL, my darling.



Doreen said...

Wow, she sounds so much like little Elly. Exact same "schedule"! This is my first baby who hasn't had days and nights mixed up, and it's been soooo nice! :o) Just hope it stays that way...