Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It's really hard to time contractions when you have a toddler to take care of. Tried using an online contraction calculator and I'm not near the computer half the time that I need to be. Tried to write on paper but I swear every clock in this house tells a different time, and I keep leaving the pen and notebook in whatever room I was in last. And what really sucks is that I'm not even sure these are contractions! I can't tell when they end. My belly feels firm all the time this morning. I'll get the pressure-y twinges that tell me one is starting (I think) but then I keep waiting for my stomach to loosen again and it doesn't. What the heck??

Not a good night last night. Kept waking up. Abby kept crying in her sleep. And then she was up this morning at 6:15. I was already awake, but desperately trying to get back to sleep. I managed to get her to lie back down (which actually means lying down for a couple minutes, then sitting up and using my chest as a pillow, then lying back down and putting her feet in the air, then sitting back up and saying, "Mama, wake up!") for about half an hour before she refused to be quiet any longer. My leg is really acting up this morning, and my back keeps twinging, too--a good sign, supposedly--so I'm just not in a good frame of mind. I feel bad because that means Abby doesn't have a particularly pleasant or patient mommy today, and heaven knows toddlers need patient mommies. *sigh*


Enjoy Birth said...

Alison, maybe tomorrow you should drop Abby off and go get a nice massage or pedicure. You deserve it! I am happy to watch her. I would today, but I am running out to do a bunch of errands! Sounds like you need a little break, maybe Grandma can take Abby out for a fun outing and you can get a nap in!

For timing pressure waves, put a watch on and write on your hand. Just kidding! You will know when it is time. Somehow moms always do!

Unknown said...

Yeah, honestly, timing contractions was a total waste of time and brainpower... when it's REALLY time you will totally know. Especially since you don't have to get yourself to a hospital or anything!
That said, does your cell phone have a stopwatch function? If you use the lap timing, you can see exactly how long from the start of one ctx to the start of the next! Amazing!