Saturday, March 22, 2008

Top Ten Things I'd Forgotten About Having a Newborn

10. How hard it is to dress and diaper them when they insist on keeping their arms and legs in the "frog" position.

9. How breastmilk poop doesn't smell that bad.

8. How your heart stops every time they choke while nursing.

7. How often they choke while nursing.

6. How they're swimming even in newborn outfits.

5. How a mother's ear can hear the faintest glug and gurgle, even in the middle of the deepest sleep.

4. How long it takes for it to sink in that this little person is real.

3. How nice it is to know you can put them down and step away for a minute and they'll still be in the same spot when you come back.

2. How hard it is to put them down.

1. How quickly the pain of the birth fades once you have them in your arms.

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