Monday, July 14, 2008

Four month stats!

Well well well. Took Penny Jane to the doctor today and boy was the ped impressed! First of all, she's at 15 lbs 1 oz, which puts her at the 80%, and 26 inches, which is, in the words of the doc, "off the charts." Her little stats sticker that the ped gives us for her baby book actually lists her in the statistically-impossible 100%! This explains why her 6 month onesies fit so well--I kept thinking it was the gDiapers I'm using on her that are a little bulkier than disposables, but apparently it's just her. She was also quite taken with PJ's ability to sit up so well on her own, and said that, given how early she's doing that, she'll most likely crawl early, too. She also said that because she's so long she'll probably outgrow the infant carseat by her 6 month appointment! I can't remember how long Abby was in hers, but it was MUCH longer than 6 months, I'm pretty sure.

Have I mentioned gDiapers before? I don't think so. Well, we started cloth diapering Abby--or tried to, at least, but Abby wets through everything SO fast, it's really remarkable (and irritating), so we're taking a break while I wait for a different kind of diaper to arrive that I ordered for her because I just got so stinkin' sick and tired of her soaking through both diaper and shorts every single time she peed. I wanted to cloth diaper PJ, too, but I couldn't bear to go through the sampling stage with her where I bought one of, like, ten different types of dipes to see which worked best. So I started buying gDiapers instead. They're "hybrid" diapers: the cover is washable, as is the plastic liner, but the inserts which soak everything up are 10% biodegradable! You can trash them, compost them (the wet-only ones, anyway) and even flush them, which makes them super-easy to deal with. Unfortunately they're about twice the price of the disposables we were using on Abby, but I justify it by knowing Abby will either be in cloth soon or else potty-trained in the next 6 months (hopefully, anyway).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you mean 100% biodegradable? Because 10% would kind of suck. :)

Not that it still wouldn't be better than the 0% biodegradability of 'sposies.