Sunday, July 06, 2008

Updates galore

Yikes, I've really slacked, haven't I!? Sorry about that! Here's all the latest from the land of PJ:

She sits! It's only for 60-90 second at a time, but it's a start. Proof:

She grows! I changed out her wardrobe today. I needed to do it at least a week ago, but I think I was in denial that she could already be nearly 16 weeks. And it's either the bulkiness of the gDiapers or she's even longer than Abby, because some of the 3-6 month onesies fit her perfectly in length. I'm sure the diapers have something to do with it, but just looking at her she really does look longer than Abby was at this age.

She talks! Okay, so, not really, but she coos and gurgles and babbles so much! Very very cute--except at 5 AM like this morning. Then, not so much.

She no longer refluxes! Can't remember if I've updated on this yet, but when I'm off dairy she's fine. And when I've had a little (not that I have it on purpose, but just when I've eaten something without realizing it had dairy in it) she starts spitting up quite a bit again. So, while I'm very glad to know what it was that was causing the rivers of milk to stream from her mouth, I'm so very sad to know it's dairy, because WOW do I miss it. On the bright side, I tried ghee the other day and she doesn't react at all to that, so at least I have a dairy substitute now! And I also found dairy-free chocolate chips. Score!

She's strong! Her little legs are, anyway. I've been doing tummy time with her on her boppy pillow--which she actually tolerates, unlike her sister who would scream the house down--and she digs her toes into the carpet and pushes herself right over the pillow, like so:




She's teething! She chows down on anything she can get in her mouth, poor thing. The other night I dreamed that I got a good look in there and saw twelve HUGE--like, cartoon-huge--molars, six on each side. And I was like, "Well, yeah, that would make sense." Honestly, it wouldn't have surprised me to find out it wasn't a dream, given how drooly and chompy she is.

She sleeps! In fact, this is her right now:

I'm kind of annoyed, really, that she fell asleep so early. If she's out before 9 she's up at 5. Ouch. She napped fairly well today, so I was pretty sure she'd make it until at least 8:30, but it's 8:20 right now and she's been out since about 7:55. *sigh* Early to bed with me...


Unknown said...

And she's brilliant!! -- Boppa

Unknown said...

Oh hooray!! Thanks for the updates. Now what's the big sis up to?