Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Four months down!

On Saturday we reached the four month mark, which means we're only 4 weeks away from being halfway through this pregnancy. I so can't wait for the halfway mark! I know nothing will be that different, but it's just the fact that it's all downhill from there, you know?

My next appointment is on the 26th, and I think we'll be scheduling our big ultrasound that day, too. At this point the plan is still to not find out of it's a boy or a girl, but Dan keeps dropping hints so I think, if it were up to him, he'd want to find out. I keep telling him that if he REALLY wants to know, we can find out, but he keeps saying it's my choice. That being the case, we're keeping it a secret--I love surprises and think it would just be too anticlimactic to know ahead of time what we were having. Two of my other pregnant friends are going to remain in the dark with their babies, too, and it's driving others in our social circle absolutely nuts that we don't want to know. Oh well, too bad! :) I'll just save all the gift receipts for the yellow and green unisex stuff we get. :)

I'm going to try to schedule our hypnobirth classes in the next week or so. I was hoping some of my friends would want to go with us, but they're all planning on going for the drugs. I'm bummed, but can't really fault them; everyone approaches their birth experience differently. I'm really excited about the classes, though; can't wait to start!


Heather Diane Tipton said...

Yay on four months!!

Unknown said...

How did I miss this post? It's been hanging out there for a week. Anyway! I know, a LOT of people choose to go for the drugs these days -- it's totally their prerogative of course, and I REALIZE they don't hand out medals for making it through childbirth drug-free, and even I accepted some Nubain when they offered when I was dilated to eight-almost-nine and thought I couldn't make it... where was I going with this? Anyway, I *think* what I was trying to say is, I have a certain sense of accomplishment after giving birth sans epidural. Like, man, I did it!! And I wasn't super-woozy afterward. And yeah, it friggin HURT. But the pain is part of the experience. And I feel like a stronger person for it.

Anyway, I have never heard of hypno-birth; what's it all about? I know, I'm a savage. But really I'm interested!

AND, I want to mention (not necessarily to YOU, Al, just in general) that epidurals are not entirely risk-free! My friend had one and her back has been giving her so much trouble that she can't even take her little 2-month-old son for a walk in the stroller, and some days can't even pick him up... anyway, they think maybe a nerve was just nudged or something. Whatever. :)

Bigger than Me said...

Hey Allison! I can't believe how utterly captivated I am reading this blog! (Well, it could have something to do with the fact that I am a 4th year nursing student specializing in obstetrics, but that seems a bit obvious!) I wanted to take a moment to tell you that I am proud of you for taking time to consider what YOUR ideal birth will be like. It is so good to see that you have thought out some aspects of this birth that are important to you (like being surprised, and going drug-free) After four babies, I've had every combination of stuff, be it "finding out or not" and the spectrum of drug-free to epidural, and in-between, too. I think the most important part from now until d-day, is to try as hard as possible to stick to your ideals, but give yourself freedom to change your mind as you see fit. In the delivery room, I have seen plenty of mothers weeping uncontrollably after deciding to get an epidural, and just as many that have laughed themselves silly saying "why the heck didn't I do this sooner?!?" The best situation is always to have a plan, but play it by ear. Personally, I have felt the same satisfaction birthing all four, each differently. My first I was proud that I had done it drug-free. My third, I was proud that I was able to really see and capture what was going on because I wasn't insane with pain. I promise, you will feel like a rockstar no matter what! Trust us, you will have the rest of your life to have every bit of mothering you do come under scrutiny, from birth, to breastfeeding, to potty training, and so on and so on! Make your plan, stick to it, but be willing to change! Love you, and can't wait to read more!

Unknown said...

I just want to say, I LOVE what Katie wrote and I totally agree. It's perfect and well-balanced and right on the money. Listen to her, she is a wise woman.