Tuesday, July 26, 2005


That's what the baby's heartbeat sounds like--and it's still pumping at 140 beats per minute! Yes, we had our appointment today, and I got my baby fix when I heard that amazing sound. That's gotta be one of the weirdest things ever, to HEAR something living inside you. Crazy! And the best part: my doctor didn't make a single comment about me weight. Hallelujah!

So now I have to make an appointment somewhere to get our ultrasound. I'm bummed, because the place I wanted to go only does high-risk pregnancies, which mine is certainly not. Given the fact that we know a ton of pregnant women and people in the medical field, I'm optimistic we'll be able to find a place that is as cool as the high-risk clinic.

1 comment:

Heather Diane Tipton said...

LOL On the doctor not commenting on your weight.

I'm so happy for you with this pregnancy!