Monday, January 16, 2006

Beautiful dreamer...

I can't imagine what she could be dreaming about, but Abby apparently is--and unfortunately they seem to be nightmares! How can a baby have nightmares?! What on earth are they about--being poked in utero? That sudden burst of blinding light when she was born? These giant adult faces that rudely thrust themselves mere inches from her eyes and make ridiculous faces and babble in high voices? But I'm pretty sure that's what's going on. Every once in a while, in the middle of one of her many naps, she'll suddenly whimper and then cry--and these aren't little cries, these are WAILS, which she never does otherwise--and then she'll stop and get a worried little look on her face that slowly fades as she heads back, I assume, into a happier mental place. It just breaks my heart! Any of you moms out there experience this with your babies?


Unknown said...

Empty breasts and soggy diapers: the things of baby nightmares.

It gives you a whole new perspective, doesn't it? I mean, to Abby, those are probably the worst two things she can POSSIBLY imagine with her whole almost-three-weeks of life experience. And it makes you think, gee, maybe those things that *I* get upset about aren't that big of a deal either, in the grand scheme of things.

Or anyway, that's been my experience. Your mileage may vary. :)

Anonymous said...

Ali- Every baby has those dreams! I have wondered myself what would make them whimper and cry while they are sleeping, but that's a mystery I don't think will ever be solved. It does break your heart to see, because these perfect little angelic beings shouldn't be sad about anything. :)