Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Say "Cheese"!

Today we got to go in for an ultrasound! The tech said everything looks great. we even got to see the heart beating--can you believe there's a beating heart at SIX WEEKS?! And some people say it's not life--WHATever.

Anyway, here is Baby Morrow's first picture:

Now, I know you probably won't believe me, but I swear it's true. Dan had Abby on his lap in the ultrasound room, and as the tech began the scan Abby pointed to the screen--which had that blobby image on it that looks like nothing whatsoever--and said, "Baby." Oh, and the other day she pointed to my stomach and, thought she usually says "baby" because we've been telling her there's a baby in my tummy, this time she said, "Girl." So, Abby the prophetess has spoken.

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