Thursday, July 19, 2007


Had my first bout of morning sickness this morning. I started out fine, had breakfast and everything, and then while Abby and I were outside playing I started feeling nauseated. I think if I'd run back in and eaten something it might have helped, but I left it too long and then I was just miserable for the next hour and a half. :( I did manage to choke down one of my protein shakes from my nutritionist, and I think that definitely stopped it from getting any worse, but it didn't exactly make it feel any better.

The hunger thing is just as powerful as it was with Abby. I'm just hungry hungry hungry all the time. But I don't think I'm eating enough at each meal either. Abby throws a total tantrum if I spent more than ten minutes cooking and eating, and with the short fuse I have right now thanks to my raging hormones I'd rather give her my attention and thus shut her up than listen to the screaming. I just can't take it right now. I hope that goes away; I don't like feeling so short with her. What I wouldn't give for a personal chef.

I'd post more, but I have to go eat. Surprise surprise. Oh, forgot to post this yesterday, but my weight at 5 weeks is 132.

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