Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Comfort Food

If you've ever known a pregnant woman, then you know food is a touchy subject for those of us Currently With Child. I've discovered that the mere mention of particular foods (I can't even type their names!) send my stomach reeling and threatening to toss whatever I've managed to choke down recently. After a particularly heinous evening of gagging, I finally went to the grocery store to see if anything there sounded remotely edible. It seems as though all our food at the house just makes me sick.

I came home with two bags of goodies that I nearly opened right there in the aisles to start devouring. And as I unpacked it all at home I realized they're all foods from my childhood:
-chicken noodle soup
-Spaghetti-O's with meatballs
-fruit cups (love those cherries!!)
-Jell-o cups (strawberry and raspberry)
-tapioca pudding
-cheese sticks (well, the stick concept didn't come till I was in high school or so, but cheese was a definite childhood staple)

So I'm trying to determine if my childhood palate was just really mild, and thus appealing to a queasy stomach, or if it's psychological.

On a completely unrelated note, I got the first (and hopefully last) sunburn of the season today--I'm now sporting a lovely farmer's tan. (Well, burn.) Of course, the one part of me I was deliberately trying to sun--my ghostly white legs--are not a single shade darker. Figures.

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