Saturday, July 30, 2005

Just for fun...

Okay, I *know* these kinds of things are supposed to be silly, but you've gotta wonder when they can claim accuracy in over 90% of cases, and it worked for all but one of the ten babies my friends and I tested on. (Like I said, 90% accurate!) So here it is: go to Ancient Chinese Gender Predictor and tell me if it was accurate for your kid (or the kid of someone you know). If it's right, we're having a girl--we'll see in 21 weeks. :)


Unknown said...

Hey Al--
Ix-nay on the Inese-chay Ender-gay Edictor-pray. Ugh, it's draining to write like that. What I mean is, it was wrong for me, although who knew the Ancient Chinese had the internet? I did see another one online somewhere and IT was correct, but cripes, it's a 50-50 shot. Also my math is not good and I can't guarantee I actually *was* 27 when Lucy was conceived because my memory has been wiped clean regarding all things that happened pre-baby.

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Hi Brooke! Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog--and also for the encouragement on the natural birth! I'm SO excited to start my hypnobirthing classes, and I really, really hope I don't cave when it's Go Time. Frankly, the thought of a needle in my spine freaks me out more than labor! :) Congratulations on your baby, too--how exciting! I'm already impatient for the day to get here when I can finally meet my child! :)

Josie said...

God bless you and your baby, Alison! Ten little fingers, ten little toes is perfect, and the rest, all the colors, and everything else, is just shopping! :) Be well!

Bigger than Me said...

Hey Allison...well, I'm three for four, but who knows! Hope you are well today!