Monday, July 25, 2005

Yay, comments! (and other things)

I'm such a dork--I never set the preferences for this blog so I'd be notified when people commented, and I just happened to glance at the end of one of my entries today and see comments. I was so excited! People are actually reading this! :) So anyway, thanks to everyone who's been writing. Even some strangers--always curious to know how y'all found your way here, leave me a comment and let me know! :)

Well, week one of The New and Improved Alison went quite well, I'm happy to say. Much healthier eating*, way more writing done (almost 1/2 way to my minimal word requirement!) and 12 miles of walking racked up. (It's so handy having a lake that is exactly a mile in diameter; I hate not having some idea how far I've gone.) This morning was even better in the walking department; I just had so much energy, which was SUCH a nice change, that I went for four miles instead of two. Hooray me! (Side note: anyone seen the Red Stripe beer commercials? "Hooray beer!" They're hilarious.)

Tomorrow is our next OB appointment. I admit I'm worried about what my doctor is going to say about my weight, but what can I do? It's not like I'm snarfing down cake and ice cream for every meal or something. (Well, I did have three scoops of Ben & Jerry's within a 3 day span and 3 cupcakes in the last 24 hours, but I SWEAR those were anomalies.) And despite the walking the weight is still climbing. I really wish I'd through to chart it, just for the heck of it--it would have been a fun baby album page. At least I've rememberd to take belly pictures every month. Speaking of which, I bought the most adorable album to use as my pregnancy scrapbook album, and I've still yet to start it. Granted, I still haven't finished our wedding scrapbook, either. I need to have one of those crop-till-you-drop parties soon and get on the stick!

We'll also be setting up our Big Ultrasound appointment tomorrow--at least, I think that's the plan. I can't wait for that!! I think my parents are even going to come. We should bring popcorn or something. :)

1 comment:

Bigger than Me said...

Allison, I love your cuteness! You are adorable, and so freakin cool it hurts! Have fun, and tell your parents hello from all of us back here. Speaking of your dad, did I ever tell you that "Case for Christ" was what finally convinced my husband that there could be no other option for him than to follow Jesus? It's kinda cool, how we all connect, huh? Love you, and the bean in you!