Tuesday, August 30, 2005


we had our first hypnobirthing class last week, and I've been dying to write about it--but I'm still not going to right now because I know it'll be a long one, and I told my self I couldn't until I finished my current manuscript. (Which should be today!) But one of the things we talked about at that class was shielding myself from all the negative birth stories and experiences other women have had, because those stories become part of my expectation for what my birth experience is going to be like, and I'm aiming to experience something far calmer and more peaceful. So Tina, our instructor, made me promise to stop watching "Birth Day" on Discovery Health and "A Baby Story" on The Learning Channel, to which I reluctantly agreed.

So, a couple days later, I'm looking for something to watch, and Discovery Health has this show called "Make Room For Baby." It's a decorating show about people doing up their nurseries and stuff, and I was like, "That might be cool to watch!" So I try to go to that channel--and Dan has put a parental lock on it! Then, on a hunch, I try watching a show on TLC--same thing! "Password please," is says, and he didn't use the number we usually use, so I have no idea how to get into it. That stinker! But I couldn't help but be touched. He's such a sweetie. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Al, I am dying to hear about your hypnobirthing class -- I remember what regular birthing was like and I could REALLY use some relaxation techniques this time. So hurry on up with that post, will ya?

That is super funny about Dan blocking the programming. What a doll. :)