Saturday, August 06, 2005

Halfway there!

Today I am officially 20 weeks along. I can't believe this pregnancy is already halfway over. It's taken FOREVER--but on the other hand it seems like no time at all. (An apt description of the rest of my life these days.) My next appointment is the Tuesday that we're back from Chicago--can't wait to hear that heartbeat again!

I found a place in Anaheim called Before the Stork--it's an elective 3D/4D imaging center where they'll give you a video and a bunch of black & white and color keepsake photos of your baby. The imagining room is set up like a theater with a sofa and a 60" screen so family can come and watch. It's $180 bucks, and not covered by insurance because it's elective (they don't check all the important medical stuff), but I think we're going to do it! I'm so excited!!

Today I got my book on hypnobirthing in the mail from our hypnobirth practitioner. I can't remember if I've talked about hypnobirthing yet--I want to pull a couple of my favorite quotes from the book before I write an actual post on it. But I'm just excited that I have it. I've already scanned half of it and am SO excited about doing it! We start our classes the week we get back from Chicago. Fun!!

1 comment:

Heather Diane Tipton said...

Yay on the twenty weeks Alison!! I'm so happy for you!