Saturday, August 27, 2005


Car died on us today. We drove Dan's parents to the train station--they came down for lunch--and we parked under a tree to hang out till their train came, and when we tried to start it again it simply wouldn't. So bizarre. Thank heavens for AAA--and when the tow truck got there he listened to the weird noise it was making and said, "Oh, it's your battery." Apparently the battery wasn't yet completely dead, because our windows, nav system, radio, etc. still worked--it just didn't have enough juice to start the car. Thankfully he was able to jump it, so we drove it to Costco because he said they installed new batteries--and then we got there and they said they didn't. Bah! So let that be a lesson to y'all: don't expect Costco to install the batteries they sell. Anyway, it held up till we drove home and brought it to the Nissan dealer, but who knows when we'll get it back because we had to have something else fixed on it, too, and that has to be special ordered, which of course they won't be able to do until Monday. Thank heavens we have the Focus--and given the price of gas these days, it'll save us some cash to drive that little thing instead of the "$40 doesn't quite fill it" SUV.

So now I'm trying to rehydrate myself--we sat outside waiting for the tow truck for half an hour in the near-90 degree heat, and then couldn't drive with the a/c because the tow guy said it would suck the battery dry--and the baby is thrashing away so I take that as a good sign. For once I'm glad we left the a/c on at the house when we left; usually we turn it off when we're not here, but it felt soooo good to walk into a cool house! And speaking of baby, Dan's parents gave us all sorts of great baby necessities when they came down: socks, sleeper gowns, t-shirts, and crib sheets--they're so small and cute!! I can't wait to use them! :)

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