Thursday, November 10, 2005

All Warm and Fuzzy Inside...

I'm folding laundry and flipping around on TV and I came across Bob Ross' "The Joy of Painting." I absolutely LOVE this show. Part of it is that I just love watching visual artists create. It gives me a tingly feeling inside when a line of paint suddenly turns into a tree, or a few swipes with the broad brush turns a blank canvas into a winter scene with a blanket of snow on the ground.

But most of the reason why I love the show is because Bob is just the calmest, most peaceful person I've ever seen. His voice is so soothing, and his manner so disarming. The best part is how supportive he is of his viewers who may be following along and creating their own masterpiece. "Why don't we just drop a little evergreen in here? I'm gonna put mine right in this corner...but you can put yours wherever you want. It's your painting, and whatever you do is going to be perfect." All said in a voice so soft and relaxed that you almost have to turn up the volume just to hear him clearly. It's hypnotizing, honestly; I found myself gaping at the TV through half-closed eyes and a t-shirt in my hands waiting to be folded. I'm actually considering looking for his videos to bring to the hospital with me--I think they'd relax me even more than my hypnobirth CD. Wonder if he's on DVD...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bob as a labor coach on DVD...he could make millions!