Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So much STUFF!

Abby took her first roadtrip this weekend--we went to Ventura to visit Dan's parents and his brother's family. We go up there once a month, usually, and we have the packing routine down pretty well; we can decide out of the blue to go there and be out the door in fifteen minutes, tops. At least, that's how it USED to be.

The trunk was PACKED, and that's not an exaggeration. Why is it such small people need so much stuff? Stroller, bouncy seat, Boppy pillow, diaper bag, bag of diapers, box of wipes, co-sleeper...and her clothes took up more space in my suitcase than my own did! And it's not like we did the new parent "take everything just in case" thing--we actually used it all. It took three trips to get it all into the house once we got there, and we were only staying for 48 hours. And looking ahead, I know it's going to get worse before it gets better: Dan's brother has a three year old, and they packed out their van for their 72 hour trip out here from Vegas. When do they stop needing so much stuff???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear ya... it only gets worse (for a while anyway) -- they still need four times the amount of clothes a big, non-diaper-wearing person does; plus the clothes just get bigger and take up more room; the diapers get bigger too (though eventually they go through fewer of them); and when the boppy and bouncy are outgrown, then she'll need you to pack food and toys. It's mind-boggling.