Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Higher and higher...

Yesterday was Abby's one month check up. She is definitely one healthy girl! She weighed in at 11 pounds and 4 ounces (lighter than we suspected, actually) and 22 inches long. She's in the 95th percentile for her weight and the 80th for her length. The doctor was very impressed with how well she focused her eyes and thinks she'll have her sight intact well before the usual 3 months. She also said she's very strong for her age and will probably be an "early mover." Dan and I both walked at 8 months, so that doesn't surprise me. The doctor said she may start rolling over a lot sooner, too, and to make sure that, even now, we don't leave her on the couch or bed unattended, but I've seen her roll herself to her side plenty of times (she loves sleeping that way), so I don't leave her alone anyway!

Have I mentioned recently how incredibly adorable she is?? and smiling so much these days, too!

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