Sunday, February 12, 2006

Giving new meaning to "sleepyhead"...

In the last 36 hours, Abby has been awake for a total of 9 hours and 45 minutes. Yes, that was AWAKE time. I didn't know that a human being who lays around all day doing nothing could sleep that much! She must be going through a MAJOR growth spurt or something--or just finishing one. Unbelievable. We kept checking to make sure she was still breathing because she'd be so deep asleep her breaths were really shallow; half the time you could barely even see her chest move. The longest stretch she had was 7 hours, which, of course, did NOT happen to fall over the bulk of nighttime; she was up at 3:30 AM to eat. But I still managed to sleep for most of that stretch so I can't complain too much. She slept right through 6 car rides, a visit to Hallmark, a 40 minute walk around the lake, a church service, and two restaurant dinners. Well done, my girl!

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