Okay, I'm totally feeling little tiny kicks right now! Woohoo!!!! And yet, it STILL doesn't feel real that I'm pregnant. I swear, the kid's gonna be in my arms before I finally go, "Oh, wow, we're having another baby!"
I hit the 4 month mark on Tuesday, and have still only gained a total of 9 pounds. Let me tell you, I'm over the moon. I was 20 pounds by this point last time. TWENTY POUNDS people. Insanity!!!
Still no "feeling" about whether it's a boy or a girl. Though I did have my first baby dream! I dreamed we went in for the "big" ultrasound, and they gave us the baby right there and then, all swaddled up, but said that it technically hadn't been born yet, we still had 20 weeks to go. I was like, "But I don't want to know the sex until it's actually born; how am I going to live with it for 5 months and not find out?" The tech said, "Well, when it's time to take off the diaper, one of you hold the baby in the air with your eyes closed, and the other person can change the diaper from behind." So then it flashed to Dan and I changing the baby, with him holding it and me staring at its little baby butt trying to figure out how to put the diaper on this way, when it hits me, "All I have to do is peek and I'll see the sex!" Then I said to Dan, "Let's just look!" "No, we waited with Abby, we can wait this time!" he insisted. But his eyes were closed and he couldn't see what I was doing, so I peeked--and it was a girl! And then I felt so bad because I knew there was no way I could admit I'd looked, but I knew he'd be so happy to know it was another girl, and I just sat there with the diaper in my hand, feeling horribly guilty. And then I woke up.