Wednesday, October 10, 2007

17 weeks and we're having a boy! Maybe!

Okay, so I blimped a bit this week. I've gained a total of 11 now, but that's still not bad, right?! And my boobs TOTALLY exploded in the last 48 hours, so at least one of those pounds has got to be on my chest, and I"m pretty sure that's not affected by food.

Tomorrow is my next appointment!

Let's see, what else. Oh, yes, the boy thing. So here's what happened. I was just about to fall asleep the other night when the baby gave a walloping kick, especially given how I've hardly felt any kicks at all. But this was strong enough to move my hand! And the first thing that came out of my mouth, totally unbidden, was "Wow, that was quite a kick, little guy!" Then I was like, "Did I just say 'little guy'?" And then--and yes, this is weird, I know--it was like a voice in my head said, "Yes, because it's a boy." And then there was this instant bond with the baby, which was just amazing because I've felt so unconnected. So yes, it's totally possible that I'm off my nugget and we're NOT having a boy, but now I'm totally psyche for one. And if I'm wrong, that's okay, too--I'd love to have another girl. I can't lose!


The Chuckles said...

Hey girl. Could be a boy, huh? Tell him not to be modest at your ultrasound and maybe you will know soon!

Also, I was watching the fire stuff on the news and saw there was one in a town your p's were living in at one point. Hope everyone is OK out there!


Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Hey girl! Yeah, the fire's about 5 minutes away from us, though my parents have moved and aren't in the area near the fire now. Still scary though!

And we're one of those annoying couples that don't find out the sex beforehand, so we still have abut 20 weeks left before we know for sure! :)