Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 20--so much news!

Yay! Halfway there! We had our big ultrasound smack on my 20 week "anniversary" and the baby performed splendidly. The tech kept saying, "Beautiful anatomy!" and gushing over how well placed s/he was. The only tiny thing is that one of the waste-removal tubes in one of the kidneys was measuring slightly too big--but the tech said that it fixes itself in 90% of cases. We may get called in for another ultrasound in a month to see how it's doing. We're not stressing, given how slight the anomaly was.

Here are a couple photos of the little bean!

Lovely little head!

Lovely little foot!

Lovely little hand!

My total weight gain so far is 14 pounds--exactly where I should be. :)

1 comment:

Enjoy Birth said...

For a minute I thought I was going to find out if it was a boy or girl. I forgot you are strong enough to wait. I think that is SO cool!
Love the pictures and I can't believe you are 20 weeks already!