Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 19

Can't believe we're almost halfway through with this pregnancy! I've only gained 13 pounds, and I'm still feeling really good. And the baby is MOVING! Really rolling and kicking. I love this part! S/he gets really active when I lie down at night in bed, and quite often jumps and jives in the middle of the night.

My ultrasound is next Tuesday at 11:30. Dan's still having headaches, but they've settled into an every other day pattern, so provided he sticks to that (or stops having them altogether) he should be fine that day. He missed Abby's big u/s because of the headaches, so he really, really wants to be at this one.

I kind of feel like I might be getting sick again, but I don't know if it's an actual cold or just a reaction to all the smoke in the air. It's worse today; even with the house all sealed up I could smell it quite strongly when I got up this morning. Abby's nose has been runny, too, and we're all sort of sneezy and congested. Abby's nose was making all sorts of odd noises last night while she was sleeping!

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