Saturday, July 01, 2006

Six Month Stats

Wednesday was Abby's 6 month birthday, and on Thursday we went to the doctor for her well-baby check up (which, if you ask me, are pretty pointless). Her new stats are: 26 and 3/4 inches tall (an inch and a quarter more than her 4 month measurement) and 16 lbs, 14 oz. (up from an even 15 back in April).

She's developed all sorts of new tricks. Just yesterday she began sticking out her tongue to be cute (along with a devilish smile that just makes me laugh), and then she'll blow a raspberry (or whatever you want to call it). Last week we got her an activity center, and she loves it. Rather than being the kind where the kid sits in the center and is surrounded by stuff, this one has a "hub" with all the stuff and a seat tethered to the outside with wheels on the bottom--the kid sits in the seat and can then walk around the activity hub. Up until yesterday she would just kind of lean and let her body's weight pull her around, but then yesterday (precicely at the same time that I'm telling a visiting friend that she doesn't actually walk in the seat) she started walking--yes, actually walking--around the hub on her little tiptoes. Priceless! Her two favorite toys on the hub are the five key piano (she'll bang on them and just laugh) and a rubber toucan that has this nice bulbous head for her to chew on. It's the first thing she goes for when we set her in the seat. (Ah, teething.)

So far no crawling, although she's kind of close. She gets one knee up, but doesn't get that she needs to get the other knee under her. She does, however, push herself up off her elbows now, so that's an improvement.

The doctor said she's a good two weeks away from having any teeth come through, which sucks, but at least she's not in pain every single day. Yesterday she was fine, and so far today has been a good day, too.

Dan's new game with Abby (for some reason she doesn't like it nearly as much when I try it) is to play peek-a-boo, although we discovered the other day that you don't actually have to hide, just look at her and say, "Peek-a-boo!" in a fun voice and she'll laugh just as hard.

Oh yeah, she also loves screeching now. Swell.

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