Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sleep, beautiful sleep

Seven straight hours! Yesss! Thursday night Abby and I went to bed at 11 and I fed her before she went down, and when she woke up to eat again at 12:30 I thought, "Oh man, here we go." At 2:30 she started squirming, but I gave her back her paci and she went back to sleep and, thankfully, so did I. Next thing I know, it's 7:30 in the morning! So even though I woke up once in the middle of the night, I'm counting this as sleeping through the night. Woohoo! Unfortunately she didn't do it last night, but that's okay. She had squash twice Thursday, so I'm wondering if it somehow fills her more than one serving of squash and one green beans. Today she's getting two squash servings as well as green beans, so who knows, maybe we'll get another solid night. Here's to hoping...

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