Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Baby baby, I can heart your heart beat...

Thanks to my awesome friend, Jen, I was able to lounge on my comfy couch this morning and listen to my baby's crazy thumping heart! She bought us one of these at-home doppler thingies that lets you listen in on what's up in there. Up until now I hadn't been able to hear anything other than otherworldly, vaguely underwater-like blubs, but this morning I gave it another shot after having set the thing aside for almost two weeks, and there it was, galluping away! I kept losing it when I breathed or when the baby kicked it (probably thinking to itself, "Why the heck is she pushing me?!"), so I couldn't track how fast it was for sure, but I counted at least 120 beats in a minute. WILD. I love being pregnant! It's cool freaking cool!

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