Friday, September 16, 2005


I've been practicing my hypnobirth scripts every day, and I've discovered that the baby gets really active when I get into my ultra-relaxed state. It's so funny! I can't tell if s/he is saying, "Hey, come on, get up and move!" or if s/he gets some kind of oxygen rush off my deep breathing or something. And wow, those kicks are getting strong; a couple times my hand got pushed right off my abdomen! And as soon as I finish the script, s/he stops.

I've been starting to get back that state of unending hunger. I'm afraid my third trimester may be a mirror image of the first, just 45 pounds heavier: eat, eat, eat, eat, and then eat a little more. I know this stage of the game is all about baby growth, so I supposed I shouldn't be surprised, but man, it's going to be a long 14 more weeks if that's the case. And the other thing that has me worried is the fact that one only needs 300 extra calories a day during pregnancy (at least, that's what they say)--but you need an extra 600 when you're nursing, which I plan to do. So if I'm this hungry now, what on earth am I going to be like when the baby gets here?! Hopefully my body will feed off itself for a while and I'll lose all my pregnancy weight quickly, but I know it doesn't work that way for everyone, so we'll just have to see. Anyway, it's 10:30 AM, i've been up since 8:30, and so far I've had a bowl of cereal, two eggs, and two sausage. And yeah, I'm feeling a little munchy. Oh dear.

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