Saturday, September 17, 2005

Where's the mute button?

My life has a new soundtrack. It's composed of grunts, sighs, huffs, groans, "Oi vey's" and the occasional "Holy crap" muttered under my breath. This new soundtrack evolved this past week when I was suddenly no long able to get up from the bed, the couch, the car (or into any of the above) without considerable effort. Tying my shoes nearly causes me to pass out, and a trip upstairs sends me panting for breath. Even though my weight seems to be holding at 175, something has apparently grown, or moved, or rearranged itself inside so as to make everything so freaking difficult.


Bigger than Me said...

When I was nine months pregnant with Isaiah, I once heaved myself up the stairs to tell Tommy something, and was so out of breath by the time I got there that he could not understand a word I panted, so he laughed. Out loud. At me. Really hard. For a long time. It is by the sheer grace of God that he was not pushed down the stairs himself!

Rebecca Knapp said...

It's only going to get more entertaining, my dear one! Oh, and the weirdest part is that all the moaning and huffing doesn't end after the baby is OUT! Expect another week or month or so when you're still not sure why your body doesn't move with the ease it used to! Welcome to motherhood...

Unknown said...

I hear ya! I went to adjust a blanket in the middle of the night last night and I came thisclose to falling right out of bed. There was much arm-flailing and a grunt or two, and fortunately I was able to save myself at the last possible instant. Oh, the joy.

Heather Diane Tipton said...

Awwww honey, I'm sorry.... I'm a terrible person, this post made me laugh.