Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Full term!

As of yesterday, I am officially considered full term, and this baby can safely make its appearance any time now. THANK HEAVENS. I am SO ready to be done. Just got back from the OB and she said "Things look good." (She's a woman of few words.) No dilating yet, but the baby is definitely head-down, so hallelujah for that. I did the baby's laundry last night--what is it about socks that are only two inches long that is just SO DANG CUTE?!--and everything is organized in the closet and armoire. I shuffled some of the kitchen drawer contents to make room for bibs and bottle stuff last night, too.

And now we wait. Hopefully not too long, though...

1 comment:

PixieGirl said...

Praying for you today.