Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Pregnant Forever," film at 11

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA--A local woman declared today that she believes she will be the first woman in history to be pregnant forever. "It's not the kind of record I'd hoped to set in my lifetime," said Alison Morrow, 29, "but for some reason it's my burden to bear." While her due date is technically still 6 days away, Morrow claims there has been nothing happening to give any indication that the birth is near, and that the baby seems quite content to just stay where it is indefinitely. "There's a first time for everything," she said as she gazed into the nursery that she fears will never be used, "and while some might say, 'Why me?' I say, 'Why not me?' It was bound to happen to someone eventually. I just hope that my doctors are able to come to an understanding of why this is happening so that others may be helped--if there are others who find themselves in the same situation."

Morrow said she'd been wondering lately if perhaps the being inside her was truly human, or if she was somehow carrying some kind of alien life form. "It would certainly explain the mind-boggling movement I've been experiencing. Who's to say there's not some alien race out there using my body as an experiment?" She could not pinpoint a time when she may have been abducted, but points out that a race capable of creating a lifeform that never births could easily come up with ways to conceive that lifeform in a human without her knowing it.

What will she do while she remains pregnant for the rest of her life? "Milk it for all it's worth," she exclaimed. "Forgetfulness, laziness, chocolate cravings--I can deny responsibility for these traits forever. People will forgive you practically anything once they glimpse your burgeoning belly." We had more questions for Morrow, but our interview with her was cut short when she was overcome by the need for Christmas cookies.


Rebecca Knapp said...

You ain't seen nothin' yet (no pun intended). Just wait until you hear your doctor say, "Welcome to Week 42!" That's when you'll be ready to take drastic measures... I can so total relate, sweetie. And just think, all that's happening is that baby is getting bigger and bigger, and thus more and more fun to get out! Hang in there - once baby arrives, you'll be praying for days as easy as these!!!

Unknown said...

Well, this does bring up some interesting points:

1. If it's a boy, 18 years from now, will you BOTH have to register for the draft?

2. You could certainly give new meaning to the term "home-schooling."

3. Sorry, still working on a #3. It's early. :)